1.   Barbara Mulas and Mark Drazek at Zax cooks chanterelle mushrooms in two batches to prevent them from getting soggy.

2.   Prepare and cook mushrooms.

3.   Scatter cooked mushrooms over top of fillet slices and tomatoes.

4.   The mailman recently delivered to my home a book on identifying, gathering and cooking wild mushrooms.

5.   The Sonoma-based Wild About Mushrooms Sierra offers a series of camps throughout the year that teach novices how find and cook wild mushrooms.

6.   Transfer mushrooms and garlic to a bowl, cover to keep warm, and repeat, cooking remaining mushrooms and garlic in another tablespoon of oil.

7.   Wipe out skillet, and repeat the process, cooking mushrooms in small batches.

v. + mushroom >>共 125
add 12.97%
eat 8.73%
pick 4.48%
remove 4.25%
saute 4.01%
place 2.83%
cut 1.89%
chop 1.89%
use 1.89%
grow 1.65%
cook 1.65%
cook + n. >>共 497
food 6.78%
meal 6.34%
pasta 4.92%
dinner 3.72%
meat 3.06%
chicken 2.35%
rice 2.30%
fish 1.99%
potato 1.77%
vegetable 1.77%
mushroom 0.31%
每页显示:    共 7