1.   Against this, they will be making continuous assessments of the scale of current bank lending.

2.   Many of our courses include a project in the continuous assessment element.

3.   Most schools nowadays prefer to use continuous assessment, because it gives a fairer picture of how the student has done during the whole year.

4.   People only accumulate competencies by continuous assessment of skills they do in their day to day job.

5.   Student progress is monitored by means of continuous assessment on a range of practical exercises.

6.   Examination is by continuous assessment and written and oral examinations, and, for the MSc, a dissertation.

7.   Student performance will be judged on the basis of degree examination results, thesis and continuous assessment, following current University regulations.

8.   Many colleges were already moving towards continuous assessment in their existing courses, so regular assessment for NVQ credits is unlikely to cause a major problem.

a. + assessment >>共 552
upbeat 4.91%
environmental 3.58%
new 2.12%
accurate 2.03%
initial 1.86%
preliminary 1.64%
similar 1.64%
independent 1.59%
economic 1.59%
overall 1.55%
continuous 0.66%
continuous + n. >>共 600
stream 3.01%
improvement 2.51%
flow 2.15%
process 2.00%
coverage 1.93%
rain 1.57%
use 1.57%
speech 1.57%
service 1.36%
presence 1.22%
assessment 1.07%
每页显示:    共 15