1.   There are actually large telephone directory style books which contain details of standard bar codes.

2.   The budget contained details of an array of tax changes -- outlined in the State of the Union speech -- which were designed to stimulate economic growth.

3.   Between the reference frames are frames containing details only of the information that has altered.

4.   It will contain details of the work of the standing committees of the Bar Council together with other financial and statistical data.

5.   This log contains details of the LIFESPAN user attempting to access PI.

6.   CALL sets up a table in RAM containing details of the parameters.

7.   At the same time, the lower school User File, containing details of all pupils likely to borrow items from this library, was created.

8.   A dossier containing details of more than a hundred prisoners who may have been wrongfully convicted has been presented to the Home Office.

9.   Bayley said that the biography contained details new even to him.

v. + detail >>共 314
give 34.17%
provide 15.17%
release 5.68%
discuss 4.98%
disclose 4.04%
have 3.31%
offer 3.07%
reveal 2.66%
announce 1.82%
work_out 1.77%
contain 0.46%
contain + n. >>共 1282
item 3.24%
information 3.09%
provision 1.82%
material 1.66%
violence 0.89%
inflation 0.83%
explosive 0.80%
bomb 0.77%
fire 0.77%
cost 0.75%
detail 0.67%
每页显示:    共 87