1.   The organization has no power to condemn alleged breaches of the conventions, but in the past has protested both Israeli tactics and Palestinian bombings.

2.   The State Department also condemned all breaches of the ceasefire, including provocative attacks committed by elements of the KLA.

3.   The State Department also condemned all breaches of the cease-fire, including provocative attacks committed by elements of the KLA.

4.   The U.S. State Department also condemned all breaches of an October cease-fire, including attacks by the Kosovo Liberation Army, which seeks to secede from Yugoslavia.

v. + breach >>共 111
allege 7.45%
fill 7.45%
repair 4.97%
heal 4.66%
claim 3.42%
commit 3.11%
involve 3.11%
report 2.48%
include 2.48%
cause 2.48%
condemn 1.24%
condemn + n. >>共 839
attack 15.20%
violence 4.73%
killing 4.40%
bombing 4.02%
terrorism 2.16%
action 1.64%
move 1.58%
arrest 1.35%
act 1.33%
decision 1.33%
breach 0.08%
每页显示:    共 4