1.   These complications are emerging from very detailed experiments with vibrating ribbons.

2.   But complications have emerged.

3.   Complications emerged quickly.

4.   Other complications are emerging in the talks, people familiar with them said.

5.   If no complications emerge, the stents could be on the market next year.

6.   Once Greek officials learn what Sea-Monkeys are, other complications may emerge.

n. + emerge >>共 1575
detail 2.37%
evidence 2.28%
pattern 1.97%
sign 1.65%
picture 1.46%
report 1.44%
leader 1.41%
consensus 1.36%
difference 1.29%
problem 1.29%
complication 0.10%
complication + v. >>共 91
be 45.18%
arise 10.86%
include 4.38%
develop 3.50%
occur 3.33%
cause 2.45%
ensue 2.28%
set_in 2.10%
make 1.40%
come 1.05%
emerge 1.05%
每页显示:    共 6