1.   Late complications included stenosis of the ileoanal anastomosis.

2.   Complications of diabetes include blindness, heart disease and stroke.

3.   Complications include an increased risk of stroke and heart disease, along with possible kidney damage, says Martin.

4.   Life-threatening complications can include blood clots, respiratory failure and leaks of gastric juices around the staple line.

5.   Long-term complications can include blindness, damage to the circulatory system and amputations.

6.   Major complications included ruptured uterus, which can be fatal.

7.   Other complications included implant rupture, bruising or bleeding, wound infection, implant leakage, pain, and dead tissue in the nipple.

8.   Other complications include eye haze, glare and overcorrection.

9.   Other complications include difficulty in predicting when governments will issue the licenses required for each new product and the unpredictability of large sales to corporate clients.

10.   Possible complications include festering of the occluded vein causing infection and scarring, other veins becoming vericosed and taking the place of the one that was sclerosed.

n. + include >>共 1161
package 1.87%
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list 1.51%
plan 1.49%
measure 1.18%
figure 1.13%
speaker 1.10%
symptom 1.06%
coverage 0.91%
dead 0.87%
complication 0.06%
complication + v. >>共 91
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arise 10.86%
include 4.38%
develop 3.50%
occur 3.33%
cause 2.45%
ensue 2.28%
set_in 2.10%
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