1.   After a series of delays, the merchadising switch was completed just as the second quarter ended, Cohen said.

2.   Economists said Germany was overdue to revise its consumer price statistics and noted that most other European countries completed the switch at the beginning of the decade.

3.   Obviously, a perfected form of digital cash is needed to complete the switch.

4.   Still, the expectation is that candidates will wait until after Election Day to complete the switch.

5.   The Las Vegas-based company said it expects to complete the switch at the end of August.

6.   Ukraine has completed the switch to its long-awaited new currency, and the overwhelming verdict passed down Tuesday was that the turnover happened surprisingly smoothly.

v. + switch >>共 237
make 28.96%
flip 7.83%
throw 4.07%
flick 3.56%
consider 2.03%
install 1.93%
turn 1.83%
use 1.52%
announce 1.42%
pull 1.42%
complete 0.61%
complete + n. >>共 756
work 4.48%
investigation 3.90%
deal 3.87%
transaction 2.38%
acquisition 2.12%
project 2.07%
merger 1.90%
study 1.86%
sale 1.85%
purchase 1.58%
switch 0.04%
每页显示:    共 6