1.   An alternative approach is to recognise the possibility of a more broadly-based balancing of the competing interests involved.

2.   Every managerial Decision required trade-offs among competing interests.

3.   In the ambiguous world of international politics, clear-cut choices between competing interests and values are rare.

4.   The legitimate pursuit of competing interests can balance and preserve social and organisational arrangements.

5.   This may require the exchange to carry out a balancing act between competing interests.

6.   Yet, when competing interests are at stake it is quite capable of making pragmatic choices.

7.   And competing interests prevented them from uniting behind a single strategy.

8.   And like the Big Dig, there are hundreds of competing interests.

9.   And, advocates say, a private sale might inject healthy profit motives into an organization that has sometimes been hamstrung by competing interests.

10.   At the core of the clashes are competing interests at the highest levels of the Democratic Party.

a. + interest >>共 738
national 5.58%
best 4.28%
american 2.39%
strong 2.21%
particular 1.98%
renewed 1.87%
financial 1.81%
buying 1.61%
keen 1.58%
common 1.58%
competing 0.76%
competing + n. >>共 699
interest 3.96%
claim 3.82%
product 3.00%
company 2.93%
bid 2.82%
proposal 2.32%
offer 2.32%
plan 1.96%
service 1.68%
version 1.57%
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