competing interest 7.31   He had many competing interests.
  competing claim 7.04   There are three competing claims.
  competing product 5.53   The Novell Corp. sells a competing product.
  competing company 5.40   A publisher at a competing company disagreed.
  competing bid 5.20   There could be competing bids anyway.
  competing offer 4.28   Egypt rejected competing Australian offers.
  competing proposal 4.28   Republicans introduced competing proposals.
  competing plan 3.62   Competing plans in the House are dividing Republicans.
  competing service 3.09   SBC is a partner in a competing service.
  competing version 2.90   There were competing versions of what caused the blasts.
  competing bill 2.83   Two competing FAA reform bills are currently before Congress.
  competing network 2.44   But it could lose market share as viewers gain access to more competing networks.
  competing technology 2.37   There were just too many competing technologies.
  competing demand 2.30   They will have to juggle some competing demands.
  competing firm 2.30   Most had rarely met anyone from a competing firm.
  competing group 2.30   Soon there were three competing groups.
  competing system 2.17   Two competing digital systems emerged.
  competing team 2.17   -- Both works feature competing teams.
  competing airline 1.71   Competing airlines condemned the decision.
  competing party 1.65   ...competing parties clamouring for the attention of the voter.
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