1.   Indeed it would be quite absurd if companies can not correct any mistake if all interested parties agree.

2.   And Castiglione says it is to early to tell whether the company has adequately corrected its claims problem.

3.   Claborn said the company had corrected the problem in all poles made since then.

4.   Duane Young, environmental and safety director for Airgas, said the company had corrected almost everything the same day of the inspection.

5.   Gems technicians spotted the problem during field tests, and the company corrected it by reinforcing the metal before any scanner was running at a hospital or a clinic.

6.   Now the company could actually correct the percentile scores, rather than simply adjust them to meet what Professor Sanders thought they should have been.

7.   The company corrected the errors immediately after they were detected, which helped lead to the settlement, Treasury said.

8.   The company must correct any problems that the consultants find or pay further fines.

9.   The company had corrected its financial after detecting the fraud and reporting it to the SEC, which issued no fine.

10.   The FDA required the company to correct its data, and company officials said the matter was resolved.

n. + correct >>共 249
step 6.87%
surgery 5.36%
market 3.00%
company 2.58%
action 1.93%
problem 1.93%
official 1.50%
voter 1.29%
time 1.29%
heart 1.07%
company + v. >>共 706
say 10.43%
be 8.93%
have 5.81%
make 2.11%
plan 1.80%
announce 1.17%
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sell 1.08%
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correct 0.01%
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