1.   A good deal of ownership in each district would be held by community trusts.

2.   A member of the Community Police Advisory Board in the Foothill Division said community trust will be tested.

3.   But times were flush and most newspapers were still owned by wealthy, public-minded families as a kind of community trust.

4.   Edie suggests local community trusts, which funnel money to charities and provide a measure of oversight.

5.   The Mackinac Island project is the first community land trust in Michigan and among the first nationwide in a resort community.

6.   We will build a new culture within the LAPD that is founded on community trust.

7.   Weintraub said there would be few changes in the U.S.-Mexico relationship, because the U.S. financial community trusts Fox.

8.   It will now be run by a community trust.

9.   The protest group claimed that the land, in the control of a community trust while its future was considered, as Maori land illegally taken by the government.

n. + trust >>共 127
investment 57.66%
land 4.44%
unit 4.44%
remainder 3.09%
consumer 1.61%
community 1.21%
property 1.21%
employee 1.08%
customer 1.08%
income 0.81%
community + n. >>共 844
leader 13.42%
service 9.46%
group 8.28%
activist 2.72%
organization 2.57%
member 1.99%
program 1.91%
project 1.88%
work 1.45%
support 1.28%
trust 0.13%
每页显示:    共 9