1.   Building a strong brand name and consumer trust is vital to any Internet company.

2.   But some industry insiders argue that overexpansion also takes a toll in consumer trust that will not be so easily remedied.

3.   But Walheim seems acutely aware that consumer trust is fragile, and that growers can easily ruin a market when they sacrifice taste for short-term profit.

4.   Can they continue to uphold the values of straight talk and consumer trust while focusing on profits and advertisers?

5.   Coca-Cola must restore consumer trust in Belgium, France and the rest of Europe where its drinks created a health scare.

6.   To offset this feeling, Plummer said marketers of technology brands from equipment manufacturers to high-technology communications services need to reinforce consumer trust over the long term.

7.   Belgian ban might soon end, but Coke must restore consumer trust.

8.   But many EU nations remain deeply skeptical that Britain is doing enough to wipe out the cattle disease and restore consumer trust in beef.

9.   He said Microsoft considered investments in privacy protection good for business because they should foster consumer trust.

10.   Japanese consumer trust in the automaker was shaken because Mitsubishi acknowledged it had covered up reports of auto defects for decades to avoid recalls.

n. + trust >>共 127
investment 57.66%
land 4.44%
unit 4.44%
remainder 3.09%
consumer 1.61%
community 1.21%
property 1.21%
employee 1.08%
customer 1.08%
income 0.81%
consumer + n. >>共 520
confidence 10.82%
group 9.14%
price 6.98%
demand 6.76%
advocate 6.33%
product 4.03%
electronics 2.39%
market 2.14%
company 1.82%
sentiment 1.34%
trust 0.09%
每页显示:    共 12