1.   Directly ahead, a pair of stately old coconut trees burst into flame.

2.   Except for pasting the occasional coconut tree with small advertisements for acupuncture, the hippies have done little to disfigure this beautiful spot.

3.   I had my hands full, but other than hitting one frond on a coconut tree, I was doing okay.

4.   The coconut tree is so beautiful.

5.   The distance be-tween us varied as each ship dodged occasional coconut trees and tall bushes.

6.   The Mafia was as much at home in Britain as coconut trees or rattlesnakes.

7.   But unlike the most traditional maisons, these may have ocher walls contrasting with bright blue window frames and a garden planted with coconut trees and hot pink hibiscus.

8.   China jokingly accused the Ghana players of climbing coconut trees after their fitness played a big role in two close friendly matches with the heavily favored Chinese.

9.   Coconut trees can not be replanted right away since the soil requires a few years of rest before it can be cultivated again.

10.   For instance, he points out the wide strips of tin, stapled to the trunks of coconut trees about a third of the way up.

n. + tree >>共 470
palm 15.64%
pine 10.27%
fruit 5.43%
apple 4.25%
eucalyptus 2.28%
banana 2.06%
maple 2.00%
coconut 2.00%
fir 1.65%
plant 1.53%
coconut + n. >>共 116
tree 16.16%
plantation 7.58%
shell 6.31%
meat 4.29%
pie 4.04%
cream 3.28%
grove 3.28%
farmer 3.03%
cake 2.53%
mixture 2.53%
每页显示:    共 64