coconut tree 4.21   The coconut tree is so beautiful.
  coconut plantation 1.97   The rebels took more hostages in a raid on a hospital and a coconut plantation.
  coconut shell 1.65   Coconut shells littered the ground by the tents.
  coconut meat 1.12   Coconut meat.
  coconut pie 1.05   Coconut cream pie.
  coconut cream 0.86   Coconut cream.
  coconut grove 0.86   The grounds featured Versailles-style gardens, fish ponds and coconut groves.
  coconut farmer 0.79   Four other coconut plantation farmers escaped from the guerrillas in recent days.
  coconut cake 0.66   The coconut cake was made the day before.
  coconut mixture 0.66   Top with reserved coconut mixture.
  coconut flake 0.46   Sprinkle with the remaining coconut flakes.
  coconut husk 0.46   Coir fiber comes from coconut husks.
  coconut product 0.46   Exports include timber, coconut products, rubber, cocoa and tea.
  coconut broth 0.33   Pour simmering coconut broth over seafood.
  coconut curry 0.33   The laksa is served in a spicy coconut curry with seafood.
  coconut leaf 0.33   He slept in a mud hut with a roof of coconut leaves.
  coconut water 0.33   Coconut water.
  coconut industry 0.26   Manila counter-argues that its assistance program for its coconut industry does not class as subsidies.
  coconut juice 0.26   Toddy is fermented coconut juice extracted from its young shoots.
  coconut levy 0.26   The farmers said they would ask presidential aspirants for their views on the coconut levy in the next few days.
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