1.   A lot also are pretty clear losers.

2.   But they were clear losers.

3.   Clear loser.

4.   I always kill the clear losers.

5.   In the free-for-all, the clear loser would seem to be KTVK.

6.   Long-distance telephone companies are the only clear losers in the bill and are fighting to keep the House from voting next week.

7.   One clear loser for New York City was its convention business.

8.   One day, we will end up with a clear loser president.

9.   That is why you also need a clear winner and a clear loser.

10.   The bugs twisted and flipped their opponents until one retreated or was declared a clear loser.

a. + loser >>共 303
biggest 22.86%
big 15.38%
sore 4.77%
lucky 3.42%
real 3.42%
only 1.85%
early 1.78%
main 1.71%
perennial 1.57%
lovable 1.42%
clear 1.21%
clear + n. >>共 756
sky 3.84%
sign 2.76%
evidence 2.27%
message 1.91%
majority 1.89%
indication 1.81%
winner 1.77%
view 1.71%
signal 1.63%
picture 1.31%
loser 0.16%
每页显示:    共 17