clear sky 26.33   She looked up at the clear sky.
  clear sign 18.96   But sometimes there are clear signs.
  clear evidence 15.60   The studies yielded clear evidence.
  clear message 13.10   There is a clear message there.
  clear majority 12.97   None received a clear majority.
  clear indication 12.44   It will give a clear indication.
  clear winner 12.18   Clear winner.
  clear view 11.72   Scalia made his own view clear.
  clear signal 11.19   It is a clear signal for more.
  clear picture 9.02   A. You never get a clear picture.
  clear favorite 8.76   The clear favorite.
  clear point 8.56   Crabbe makes one point clear.
  clear idea 8.36   But they still have no clear idea how.
  clear day 7.50   A clear day.
  clear answer 7.24   He gave no clear answer.
  clear chance 7.18   Every Crew forward had a clear chance.
  clear cut 6.85   It was all so clear cut.
  clear shot 6.65   He could not get a clear shot.
  clear advantage 6.19   He has one clear advantage over McCain.
  clear path 5.79   But that gave us a clear path.
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