1.   And a chief management officer accountable to the control board runs nine major city agencies that had been run by the mayor.

2.   And all went well until a neighbor, fearing for his life, complained to various city agencies.

3.   And Badillo, who promised in February that he would stop lobbying city agencies, is still doing work for US Servis.

4.   And of course Mayor Rudolph Giuliani was a grinning, ubiquitous presence, parading with different groups representing several city agencies.

5.   And in the back, a Brazilian man leafed through a sheaf of job openings at city agencies.

6.   And the control board has slowly begun to improve the school system, police department and other city agencies.

7.   And the Department of General Services has drafted a policy to cease requiring city agencies to post city job openings in black and Spanish-language newspapers.

8.   And the management by objective program that he initiated in the Department of Health was later adopted by all city agencies.

9.   And then there are rumors that two male staff members at an important city government agency have charged the agency boss with sexual harassment.

10.   As a result, the mayor lost control of personnel and contract decisions, as well as authority over nine major city agencies.

n. + agency >>共 316
government 16.05%
aid 9.42%
enforcement 6.94%
intelligence 5.81%
law 5.80%
relief 5.39%
refugee 4.63%
space 3.43%
ad 2.12%
security 2.04%
city 1.45%
city + n. >>共 698
official 19.40%
center 5.84%
government 3.98%
street 3.96%
centre 3.86%
worker 1.83%
resident 1.71%
authority 1.63%
limit 1.45%
leader 1.44%
agency 1.22%
每页显示:    共 212