city official 223.37   City officials visited the building site.
  city center 67.22   Every shop in the city center would suffer.
  city government 45.89   City government appeared impotent.
  city street 45.56   The city streets form a grid.
  city centre 44.44   ...the city centre.
  city worker 21.07   City workers went on strike.
  city resident 19.75   On occasion, a free turkey from a city resident.
  city authority 18.76   City authorities raised practical objections.
  city limit 16.66   He lives inside the city limits.
  city leader 16.59   And city leaders are thrilled.
  city bus 15.67   Get on city bus.
  city dweller 14.35   The number of city dwellers is growing.
  city police 14.35   City police also declined to comment.
  city agency 14.02   Bacon had to go before six different city agencies.
  city employee 12.64   City employees had a half day.
  city park 12.24   The gorge would become a city park.
  city block 12.18   Entire city blocks burned.
  city attorney 11.06   City attorneys declined to comment.
  city hospital 10.73   So did doctors at city hospitals.
  city service 10.73   They want basic city services.
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