1.   Chop the meat into small cubes.

2.   Chop the meat to a consistency that you like with a cleaver, then liberally splash it with sauce.

3.   Chop meat with a cleaver into thin strips.

4.   Chop the meat, discarding tough pieces.

5.   Meanwhile, chop chicken meat, discarding bones and skin.

6.   Remove ham hocks, chop meat and return to soup.

7.   To make wieners, the council explains, the meats are chopped in a gigantic chopping bowl and blended with ice chips, spices, salt and curing ingredients.

8.   When it is cool, remove skin and chop the meat.

v. + meat >>共 431
eat 11.79%
sell 4.49%
remove 3.89%
cook 2.95%
cut 2.22%
buy 2.05%
add 1.92%
place 1.88%
serve 1.88%
have 1.84%
chop 0.34%
chop + n. >>共 260
onion 6.85%
wood 6.20%
tomato 3.49%
ball 2.84%
garlic 2.58%
leaf 2.58%
vegetable 2.33%
grounder 2.20%
parsley 1.94%
cilantro 1.94%
meat 1.03%
每页显示:    共 8