1.   Rather, beneficial chemicals in foods appear to work in concert, making the surest route to good health eating the whole foods, not some extract of them.

2.   The chemicals appear to have evaporated from fields and become part of the clouds.

3.   An earlier alert for an area north of the city was canceled after authorities said the chemical no longer appeared to be airborne.

4.   An Australian Federal Police spokeswoman said the chemicals appear to have been intended for processing minerals.

5.   He said the chemicals appeared to be saltpeter, salt and charcoal.

6.   She said the chemicals appeared to be saltpeter, salt and charcoal but declined to comment further.

n. + appear >>共 1545
man 1.42%
government 1.09%
side 1.01%
name 0.98%
official 0.98%
investor 0.88%
attack 0.71%
leader 0.59%
report 0.59%
move 0.59%
chemical 0.02%
chemical + v. >>共 230
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cause 4.68%
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include 3.16%
use 2.65%
pose 1.52%
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