chemical be 15.14   The chemical is acrylamide.
  chemical cause 2.44   Some chemicals may cause environmental damage.
  chemical have 1.65   The chemical has an acrid smell.
  chemical include 1.65   The chemicals include dioxins and PCBs.
  chemical use 1.38   The chemicals used to maintain sanitation may be toxic to humans.
  chemical pose 0.79   Toxic chemicals still pose significant threats.
  chemical kill 0.72   Sometimes the chemicals kill wildlife outright, leaving dramatic evidence.
  chemical do 0.66   These chemicals do two things, she explained.
  chemical combine 0.59   When the two chemicals combine, they form an explosive compound.
  chemical find 0.59   This partly admitted the chemicals find on sect property.
  chemical harm 0.53   Both chemicals can harm the nervous system and other organs, and both are suspected of causing cancer.
  chemical make 0.53   The chemicals also make the eyes tear.
  chemical damage 0.46   There is now clear evidence that these chemicals are damaging the environment.
  chemical produce 0.46   When properly mixed, the chemicals can produce an explosive more powerful than TNT.
  chemical seep 0.46   The chemicals seeped into the ground.
  chemical weapon 0.46   Chemical weapons inspectors to visit United States.
  chemical affect 0.39   It is uncertain whether the chemicals used in the injection would affect his eyes.
  chemical appear 0.39   He said the chemicals appeared to be saltpeter, salt and charcoal.
  chemical contaminate 0.39   Authorities said the chemicals could contaminate the ground and sea, emit dangerous gases and cause an explosion.
  chemical leak 0.39   No chemicals leaked from the overturned cars.
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