1.   Cheese prices have dropped by a third this year.

2.   Cheese prices here at the source are substantially below retail prices charged in the many stores that carry Vella cheeses.

3.   Even so, the USDA, is reviewing ways to change its milk-price calculations, and choices include less dependence on cheese prices at Green Bay.

4.   The federal government, despite a reduced role in dairy supports, still sets minimum cheese prices.

5.   They noted that the decline in milk prices was preceded by a drop in cheese prices.

6.   They noted that milk prices fell after a sharp drop in cheese prices.

7.   The company cited stable cheese prices and lower spending.

8.   Tracy noted that cheese prices have started going back up.

n. + price >>共 312
share 23.97%
oil 9.89%
future 4.88%
bond 3.87%
consumer 2.97%
wheat 2.72%
gasoline 2.56%
ticket 2.04%
commodity 1.89%
energy 1.83%
cheese 0.02%
cheese + n. >>共 247
mixture 8.41%
sandwich 7.35%
sauce 5.09%
maker 3.20%
course 2.84%
grater 2.49%
steak 2.25%
factory 1.90%
puff 1.66%
straw 1.66%
price 0.95%
每页显示:    共 8