1.   The escalating cost of these tax benefits would be checked within a few years of this policy being implemented.

2.   In Phase I, for each module known to the LIFESPAN database the corresponding file is checked within the storage directories.

3.   In Phase II, for each file in the storage directories the corresponding module details are checked within the LIFESPAN database.

4.   If the fingerprints had not been checked within that time, a person would be awarded citizenship.

5.   Roach advises checking within a one- to two-mile radius.

6.   All were checked within three months of catching HIV.

7.   Kwasniewski, expressing full confidence in Oleksy, has said the case should be carefully checked within the limits of the law.

v. + within >>共 790
stay 3.03%
expect 3.01%
die 2.64%
work 2.49%
complete 2.33%
hold 1.98%
live 1.92%
occur 1.78%
operate 1.67%
begin 1.61%
check 0.06%
check + p. >>共 53
with 38.00%
into 34.62%
at 6.08%
against 3.53%
before 2.13%
off 1.53%
by 1.30%
through 1.25%
under 1.11%
to 1.11%
within 0.32%
每页显示:    共 7