1.   As any statistician will confirm, it is unwise to infer trends from change over a single year.

2.   Both types of data, however, are problematic in that the whole structure within which careers are established changes over time.

3.   Police procedures change, and even police attitudes change over the years.

4.   Simulation has been used to predict population changes over a long period of time and for charting space-satellite trajectories.

5.   Students are encouraged to consider the way language changes over time.

6.   The changes over time in capital and labour then govern the equilibrium path followed.

7.   The labour Market has undergone a period of rapid change over the last few years.

8.   The longitudinal data will be utilised to investigate change over time and the factors which predict good or poor outcome.

9.   The ratios change over time as potassium undergoes radioactive Decay and emits argon gas.

10.   The very notion of development and change over time is contained within the notion of implicit and explicit aspects of attitudes.

n. + over >>共 1357
concern 3.71%
dispute 3.58%
debate 3.01%
win 1.39%
battle 1.30%
controversy 1.10%
sovereignty 0.94%
authority 0.86%
fight 0.84%
difference 0.83%
change 0.14%
change + p. >>共 70
in 64.89%
to 11.59%
from 4.12%
for 3.31%
at 3.14%
on 2.00%
as 1.22%
with 1.02%
by 0.99%
after 0.76%
over 0.65%
每页显示:    共 135