1.   A number of methodological criticisms have been made of these studies which cast serious doubt on the validity of their findings.

2.   Again there is a considerable literature on the use of aims and objectives in curriculum planning that casts doubts on its efficacy.

3.   Doubt will be cast on the validity and justifiability of the principle of induction.

4.   I just had to cast doubt on his assertions.

5.   In the final section, I will begin to cast some doubt on the terms in which the debate has been set.

6.   In this chapter, the inductivist account of science will be criticized by casting doubt on the third of these assumptions.

7.   Later historians have cast doubt on the truth of his story.

8.   Mr Portillo cast doubt over the tax policy as soon as he returned to the shadow cabinet this year.

9.   Research has cast doubt on the safety of mobile phones.

10.   Some are oversensitive, which leads to annoyance and casts doubt on readings which might not be inaccurate.

v. + doubt >>共 262
have 32.27%
express 14.18%
cast 13.85%
raise 9.62%
leave 8.27%
voice 2.08%
cast_on 1.56%
remove 1.09%
dispel 0.96%
harbor 0.81%
cast + n. >>共 571
ballot 25.52%
vote 15.37%
doubt 14.11%
shadow 7.40%
pall 3.02%
spell 1.80%
eye 1.62%
cloud 1.34%
lot 1.30%
light 1.28%
每页显示:    共 734