1.   In closed systems the fear of being considered faint-hearted, or uninvolved, or unsupportive prevents such doubts being voiced at all.

2.   Several justices voiced doubt about the wisdom of giving police automatic authority to tell all passengers to get out of a car.

3.   Some retired generals have voiced doubts, as have active-duty officers.

4.   Transcendental Meditation has never acquired the reputation of a sinister cult, but doubts are sometimes voiced about it.

5.   Whitelocke was constantly sceptical of the motives that impelled the politicians and men of affairs who surrounded him, and he was always ready to voice his doubts.

6.   The proposal is likely to divide the group since some councils are voicing doubts about whether a referendum is the best way forward.

7.   And not so strangely, the pathologically self-deprecating Letterman has helped perpetuate the potshots by voicing doubts about himself and his program.

8.   Another retailer who voiced similar doubts was Majed al-Sabah, who owns Villa Moda in Kuwait.

9.   Asked if the crafty chickens could have opened the cages themselves and made a run for it, Boger voiced his doubt.

10.   At that point, a potential consumer voiced his doubts.

v. + doubt >>共 262
have 32.27%
express 14.18%
cast 13.85%
raise 9.62%
leave 8.27%
voice 2.08%
cast_on 1.56%
remove 1.09%
dispel 0.96%
harbor 0.81%
voice + n. >>共 286
concern 24.59%
support 12.06%
opposition 5.50%
hope 4.08%
fear 3.57%
opinion 3.34%
doubt 2.58%
optimism 2.06%
confidence 2.06%
objection 1.81%
每页显示:    共 110