1.   Suppose that, on average, hedgers hold long cash market positions and short futures positions.

2.   Discuss the performance of the business for the period as revealed by the accounts you have prepared, paying particular attention to its cash position and profitability.

3.   The management have been extremely worried about the firms cash position over the last few years.

4.   The clearers tell the Bank of England of their target balances so this influence on the money market cash position will be known with reasonable certainty.

5.   Flows due to the transactions of these customers influence the cash position of the money market but are not disclosed by the Bank.

6.   Such customers generally provide information to the Bank on flows on their accounts and hence help in the process of predicting the cash position in the money market.

7.   Information on the technique used by the Bank in alleviating the cash position are made available via the electronic screen based services.

8.   This factor, described as bills maturing in official hands above, came to be an important influence on the daily cash position of the money market.

9.   This raises the CGBR and eases the cash position of the money market.

10.   Also, analysts said Cisco had a strong cash position and was not saddled with debt, like some players.

n. + position >>共 993
rebel 6.51%
pole 5.31%
government 4.95%
army 3.82%
leadership 3.71%
guerrilla 3.60%
field 2.58%
market 2.18%
management 2.15%
dollar 1.80%
cash 0.98%
cash + n. >>共 423
payment 6.12%
market 5.80%
reserve 3.74%
prize 2.90%
assistance 2.78%
crunch 2.60%
benefit 2.43%
infusion 2.33%
shortage 2.13%
bonus 1.88%
position 1.54%
每页显示:    共 62