1.   ...the highway that runs through the Indian zone right to the army positions.

2.   Reports also claimed that Syria had begun reinforcing its army positions in the Bekaa Valley and on the eastern front of the Syrian-Lebanese border.

3.   Also in Gaza, Palestinians fired five mortars at army positions.

4.   An Israeli settler was shot and killed in her car, and a Palestinian was fatally shot as he approached an Israeli army position.

5.   And on the border with Lebanon, guerrillas from the Party of God fired mortars and missiles at Israeli army positions, drawing artillery and air strikes.

6.   As the boys gathered near the wall, shots rang out from an Israeli army position on a neighboring building, sending the boys running for cover.

7.   From a hillside on the outskirts, an army artillery position shelled ethnic Albanian neighborhoods nightly.

8.   In the Gaza Strip, a Palestinian was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers when he approached an Israeli army position near the Kissufim border crossing to Israel.

9.   On the border with Lebanon, guerrillas from Hezbollah fired mortars and antitank rockets at Israeli army positions in the disputed border area of Shebaa Farms.

10.   The army position, which reportedly has support from the United States, is that a solution to Lebanon can only come through a peace agreement with Syria.

n. + position >>共 993
rebel 6.51%
pole 5.31%
government 4.95%
army 3.82%
leadership 3.71%
guerrilla 3.60%
field 2.58%
market 2.18%
management 2.15%
dollar 1.80%
army + n. >>共 530
spokesman 8.76%
officer 7.57%
troop 4.86%
commander 4.35%
official 3.82%
unit 3.34%
radio 3.18%
soldier 3.15%
base 2.89%
helicopter 2.09%
position 1.37%
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