1.   Bankruptcy case related to liquidation of First Cayman Bank Ltd.

2.   Not again, said those who believe that a spate of highly publicized sexual abuse cases related to the online world underscores the need for tougher laws.

3.   The case relates to alleged bribery by businessmen S.K. Jain, N.K. Jain, B.R. Jain and J.K. Jain, all members of the same family.

4.   The Customs Service called the case the largest money laundering case not related to drugs the agency has ever investigated.

5.   The fine, which settles a civil case related to the charges, is the second Hughes has paid because of that evidence.

6.   The new independent Agency for Immigration Review would conduct hearings and decide cases related to deportation, fines for violations of immigration laws and denials or revocations of visas.

7.   The two cases relate to behavior of the company while legal cases were pending before the courts.

8.   This settlement is the latest in a series of FTC cases alleging scams related to Federal Communications Commission licenses, the agency said.

9.   Other cases related to arbitrary arrests and mistreatment in jail, it said.

10.   The Di Rupo case relates to a scandal dating back to August when police uncovered a child sex ring that kidnapped and killed at least four girls.

n. + relate >>共 658
charge 5.39%
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document 1.41%
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case 0.96%
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case + v. >>共 490
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