1.   So Louise got quite a shock when, flicking through the local paper she saw that ANOTHER girl had been crowned carnival queen.

2.   The OTHER carnival queen, Vicky Cooper got her title from the Forest of Dean carnival committee.

3.   Miss St. John automatically becomes carnival queen.

n. + queen >>共 111
homecoming 13.89%
prom 7.94%
drama 4.76%
welfare 3.97%
sprint 3.57%
glamour 2.78%
dowager 2.78%
movie 2.78%
rodeo 2.78%
ice 2.38%
carnival 1.98%
carnival + n. >>共 132
atmosphere 21.07%
ride 7.26%
barker 5.57%
celebration 3.39%
parade 2.42%
mood 2.42%
time 2.18%
midway 2.18%
game 1.94%
music 1.69%
queen 1.21%
每页显示:    共 5