carnival atmosphere 5.73   A carnival atmosphere!
  carnival ride 1.97   Arts and crafts, carnival rides and games, and Southern foods.
  carnival barker 1.51   Where is the carnival barker?
  carnival celebration 0.92   Visitors also took to carnival celebrations in other Brazilian cities.
  carnival mood 0.66   But what could possibly upset the carnival mood of Brazilian stocks?
  carnival parade 0.66   At the close of the first act, they stepped into the audience in a carnival parade up the aisles.
  carnival midway 0.59   The aromas tease the senses, calling out as you walk the carnival midway.
  carnival time 0.59   It was carnival time again!
  carnival game 0.53   The giant stuffed Tigger she won in a carnival game.
  carnival music 0.46   Steel drums brought a new precision and refinement to carnival music.
  carnival sideshow 0.46   A carnival sideshow.
  carnival official 0.39   Carnival officials declined a request for an interview.
  carnival season 0.39   But in carnival season, it takes on an altogether more sinister visage.
  carnival costume 0.33   Many were dressed in carnival costume.
  carnival queen 0.33   Miss St. John automatically becomes carnival queen.
  carnival scene 0.33   Just look at the carnival scene.
  carnival strongman 0.33   Carnival strongman.
  carnival act 0.26   Finish him as a touring carnival act.
  carnival committee 0.26   The OTHER carnival queen, Vicky Cooper got her title from the Forest of Dean carnival committee.
  carnival show 0.26   It was a carnival freak show.
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