1.   A lack of funds was the explanation used by a majority of the Council for voting to raise bus fares.

2.   My uncle was a terrible miser - he would walk in lashing rain rather than pay a bus fare.

3.   Pupils living within two miles of the school are expected to pay their own bus fares.

4.   She could not afford the bus fare to see a doctor, much less his fee.

5.   She will come to Indianapolis later, as Soon as there is money enough to pay for bus fare.

6.   She would walk, in lashing rain, a howling wind, rather than pay a bus fare.

7.   Their bus fares are paid, but I suspect that they walked.

8.   Through his twice weekly plasma sales, Willingham has helped Scheard and others buy clothes and food or pay bus fare.

9.   Unable to afford bus fares, she walked to interviews.

10.   He panhandled for his bus fare.

n. + fare >>共 303
air 31.06%
bus 7.65%
business 2.91%
discount 2.84%
taxi 2.77%
airline 2.30%
cab 2.10%
train 1.83%
transport 1.49%
coach 1.35%
bus + n. >>共 426
driver 18.51%
service 9.31%
station 7.12%
company 6.75%
tour 4.27%
ride 4.10%
terminal 2.82%
trip 2.82%
passenger 2.69%
route 2.11%
fare 2.10%
每页显示:    共 112