air fare 30.22   Air fare is extra.
  bus fare 7.44   Exact bus fare?
  business fare 2.83   The business fare?
  discount fare 2.76   Get discount air fares in return.
  taxi fare 2.70 fares.
  airline fare 2.24   Rising airline fares?
  cab fare 2.04   Cab fares are negotiable.
  train fare 1.78   Train fares have gone up.
  transport fare 1.45   The rise sent transport fares and other prices up by a similar percentage.
  coach fare 1.32   These are coach fares for stays of a week to a month.
  plane fare 1.32   But plane fare is just a down payment.
  holiday fare 1.05   There are lots of recipes for Hispanic holiday fare here.
  sale fare 0.99   Each one offers deals, sale fares and specials.
  bargain fare 0.92   Book early for bargain fares.
  leisure fare 0.92   Last week Continental led an effort to boost leisure fares.
  restaurant fare 0.92   Restaurant fare is diverse and increasingly sophisticated.
  summer fare 0.92   But they predicted future attempts to raise fares this summer.
  television fare 0.79   I said, miming standard television sit-com fare.
  advance-purchase fare 0.72   Yes, advance-purchase fares are up somewhat.
  breakfast fare 0.72   Looking for a change from the everyday breakfast fare?
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