1.   Copies are available for inspection at planning authority headquarters, libraries and other public buildings throughout the area affected by the proposals.

2.   Apparently with the agreement of the French, he was posting men on the tops of buildings throughout the Serb area to keep watch overnight despite the curfew.

3.   As they toured the immaculate red-brick building throughout the year, they peppered school officials with questions about the scores.

4.   Authorities tightened security at federal buildings throughout the city, including the Capitol and the White House.

5.   Black smoke billowed from the building throughout the morning and afternoon.

6.   Buildings throughout the Capitol Hill complex were being screened for possible contamination, but so far none has been found beyond the Hart building.

7.   Buildings throughout the region have been rebuilt, out to the smallest distant village.

8.   Congratulatory messages for the Red Raiders dot billboards and marquees on buildings throughout town.

9.   Federal buildings throughout Washington were evacuated, filling the sidewalks and streets with bewildered people desperately trying to use overloaded cellular phone networks.

10.   He orders the French tricolor lowered to half-staff on all official buildings throughout th e French empire.

n. + throughout >>共 1635
people 1.17%
advantage 1.08%
city 1.06%
update 1.05%
school 0.70%
problem 0.68%
place 0.64%
service 0.63%
area 0.60%
office 0.53%
building 0.46%
building + p. >>共 101
in 27.16%
of 11.80%
with 8.06%
on 7.61%
at 4.86%
for 4.79%
to 3.70%
as 3.08%
near 2.57%
after 2.31%
throughout 0.80%
每页显示:    共 66