1.   The daughters of a man who died after breathing asbestos dust are suing his employers British Rail for a hundred thousand pounds.

2.   But nothing comes smoothly, and as the band nearly reaches its goal Danny succumbs to a festering lung problem brought on by years of breathing coal dust.

3.   For six years they worked with no face-masks and breathed plutonium dust that periodically wafted through their work spaces, said Leya Sokhina.

4.   Leave other skaters breathing your dust and out-slalom skiers.

5.   Of course, when cleaning rodent droppings, do not stir up or breathe the dust.

6.   Northcutt, in turn, remembered silicosis, the filling and hardening of the lower lung sacs caused by years of breathing the dust.

7.   The greatest danger comes from breathing beryllium dust.

8.   You also must stoop and squat continually and tolerate a lifetime of breathing foam dust.

v. + dust >>共 176
gather 15.70%
collect 7.44%
kick_up 5.66%
remove 3.88%
blow 3.24%
inhale 2.75%
have 1.94%
keep 1.62%
carry 1.46%
raise 1.46%
breathe 1.29%
breathe + n. >>共 157
life 32.77%
sigh 20.93%
air 8.14%
fire 3.28%
problem 3.17%
word 2.01%
last 2.01%
fume 2.01%
oxygen 1.90%
difficulty 1.80%
dust 0.85%
每页显示:    共 8