1.   His big break at ninety-one was in getting to babysit instead of being babysat.

2.   You could win a fabulous weekend break at a luxurious hotel of your choice.

3.   He still intends to expand the breaks at his hotel for the creative community.

4.   A MAN burgled a pub just a few weeks after he was caught with the proceeds from a break in at the same place.

5.   Police are investigating a break in at the Duke Street office of the Darlington Victim Support scheme.

6.   The chance to net the cash came during the half-time break at a televised Los Angeles Lakers team game.

7.   And he chides Bush for aiming his tax breaks at the rich.

8.   Black spotted Bain during a break at Toolies and invited her backstage.

9.   A cold chill awaited at our last lunch break at the foot of the La Sals.

10.   But the cabbies on their lunch break at the airport Thursday said they believe the suit is baseless.

n. + at >>共 1572
official 1.86%
student 0.82%
shot 0.80%
game 0.70%
day 0.67%
place 0.64%
job 0.63%
worker 0.61%
year 0.56%
professor 0.56%
break 0.03%
break + p. >>共 66
in 23.14%
from 17.54%
for 14.17%
with 10.39%
of 5.20%
to 4.28%
on 4.22%
between 2.26%
up 1.95%
down 1.75%
at 1.69%
每页显示:    共 87