break in 78.28   A break in the actual element.
  break from 59.32   I needed a break from routine.
  break for 47.93   A big break for him.
  break with 35.15   That was our one break with sobriety.
  break of 17.58   Those are the breaks of the game.
  break to 14.48   It was a welcome break to the monotony.
  break on 14.29   I can see the break on the green.
  break between 7.64   Too many breaks between scenes.
  break up 6.58   Break up tomatillos while cooking.
  break down 5.92   Cable break down?
  break after 5.86   He takes a break after one hour.
  break at 5.73   That run included two breaks at love.
  break by 5.27   He took advantage of the break by saving par.
  break before 3.69   Neither got a break before intermission.
  break as 3.55   Bodine views the partnership break as a relief.
  break out 2.76   Any stars with break out potential?
  break into 2.70   He accentuates positives and turns bad breaks into pars.
  break during 2.63   A gymnasium is being built for breaks during the day.
  break through 1.84   Some say teasers help break through the clutter.
  break off 1.45   Untrimmed, nails can split, become overgrown or break off.
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