1.   Booming cities such as Atlanta and Charlotte long ago shed their reliance on textiles, while many smaller cities have endured mill closings.

2.   He has arguably become the most visible Bostonian in America, emblematic of too much of what this booming city has become.

3.   It is an escape valve for a booming Sunbelt city.

4.   Most express surprise that the suspected killer has any connection with this booming industrial city.

5.   Southern Weekend is a popular, nationally distributed weekly owned by the Communist Party of Guangzhou, a booming city in Guangdong province, in the south.

6.   Such things vex all the booming cities of the West and Southwest.

7.   Then, he predicts Gilbert and other booming cities will lobby for a special census to give them a bigger share of the financial pie.

8.   This week, the Maple Leafs will open the Air Canada Center, a sparkling new arena appropriate for a booming city filled with glittering buildings.

9.   At the Naples demonstration, mayors from booming northern cities like Bologna and Turin marched alongside Bassolino.

10.   Gates, the Microsoft founder, returned the favor by saying he planned to invest more money in the booming Chinese city.

a. + city >>共 756
major 7.66%
big 5.16%
southern 3.27%
northern 2.49%
large 2.04%
american 1.82%
palestinian 1.67%
largest 1.47%
the 1.37%
entire 1.31%
booming 0.08%
booming + n. >>共 298
economy 28.00%
business 8.86%
market 6.65%
voice 2.71%
industry 2.34%
sale 2.22%
trade 2.09%
demand 1.97%
serve 1.97%
export 1.91%
city 1.17%
每页显示:    共 19