1.   A booming economy, low unemployment and years of peace have made it difficult to replenish the graying ranks of white supremacists.

2.   We enjoyed the material comforts of the booming economy.

3.   All this has been made possible by the booming economy, which has filled federal tax coffers to overflowing and ushered in a new era of budget surpluses.

4.   All this has come against the backdrop of a booming economy, which has produced strong corporate profits.

5.   Americans, wallets thick from a booming economy, have bought more cars.

6.   Among the economic conditions that most strikingly show how the booming economy has progressed at the expense of the poor, according to the report, is housing costs.

7.   An improving economy is not the same thing as a booming economy.

8.   And as in most major cities, the crime rate is down due to a booming economy and community policing, though the police force is understaffed.

9.   And because it coincided with the technology revolution, it added to the booming U.S. economy, which helped fuel a world economic recovery.

10.   And beneath the surface of the booming American economy is a disparity that financial analysts say cannot last.

a. + economy >>共 567
global 4.44%
slowing 4.17%
japanese 3.91%
strong 3.15%
asian 2.99%
local 2.91%
american 2.43%
new 2.41%
national 2.03%
booming 1.98%
booming + n. >>共 298
economy 28.00%
business 8.86%
market 6.65%
voice 2.71%
industry 2.34%
sale 2.22%
trade 2.09%
demand 1.97%
serve 1.97%
export 1.91%
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