1.   Estrogen replacement relieves such symptoms of menopause as hot flashes and night sweats, reduces bone loss and relieves vaginal dryness.

2.   In older patients this effect can cause bone loss and loosening of alumina based implants.

3.   Older women can suffer bone loss caused by estrogen deficiency.

4.   Such amenorrhoea is associated with bone loss, and this can be prevented by the judicious use of cyclical hormones.

5.   Some bone loss may be permanent, in which case ex-astronauts will always be more prone to broken bones.

6.   So it is with bone loss in space, where the right prescription still awaits discovery.

7.   Patients with inflammatory bowel disease have an increased prevalence of osteoporosis, and suffer high rates of spinal bone loss.

n. + loss >>共 629
job 14.55%
weight 8.87%
memory 5.14%
hair 2.58%
loan 2.39%
bone 2.30%
playoff 2.00%
blood 1.81%
third-quarter 1.79%
fourth-quarter 1.66%
bone + n. >>共 218
spur 10.17%
chip 8.70%
loss 8.44%
density 8.12%
cancer 7.23%
fragment 5.69%
scan 4.09%
bruise 3.71%
disease 3.45%
fracture 3.39%
每页显示:    共 131