1.   His bookishness became useful when he began to study magic on the desert island.

2.   The developing audio technology to position a sound in three-dimensional space will become very useful.

3.   Although it always helps to carry a floppy with your laptop, floppy disks are becoming less useful all the time.

4.   As reciprocity spreads, they say, so will the market, as each transponder becomes more useful to each driver.

5.   -- Hipatic lipase is an enzyme that breaks up good cholesterol so it becomes useful.

6.   But as these files grew larger and larger they became less and less useful, because searching for a match was manual.

7.   But as Cuba started opening its economy to the outside world, Vesco become less useful and apparently fell out of favor.

8.   But someday, he predicted, DNA computers might become useful for specialized tasks.

9.   For the neophyte, the topographies introduce a new vocabulary that will become useful when trying to identify or describe a bird.

10.   Her image as an unethical political monster has become useful to conservatives in fund-raising letters meant to scare the faithful into opening their wallets.

v. + useful >>共 12
be 89.48%
prove 7.44%
become 1.05%
come 0.49%
seem 0.41%
feel 0.38%
remain 0.23%
appear 0.19%
look 0.11%
sound 0.11%
become + a. >>共 1097
clear 3.88%
involved 2.42%
popular 2.36%
available 2.32%
apparent 1.85%
common 1.79%
ill 1.68%
aware 1.38%
difficult 1.35%
important 1.25%
useful 0.06%
每页显示:    共 28