1.   Add the beaten egg and syrup mixture.

2.   Add the remaining flour mixture to the shortening mixture alternating with the beaten egg.

3.   Add the sifted flour and lightly beaten eggs in alternate spoonfuls, mixing well.

4.   Brush each bun with a little beaten egg, then place in the pre-heated oven.

5.   Brush the potato with a little beaten egg and brown under a grill.

6.   Combine beaten egg with Mayonnaise in small bowl.

7.   Gradually whisk in beaten egg and vanilla essence.

8.   Make a well in the centre of the mixture and add the melted Margarine and the beaten egg.

9.   Slowly pour on to the beaten eggs and stir in the butter and rum.

10.   Then whisk in the beaten egg gradually, adding a teaspoon of flour with each addition to stop curdling.

a. + egg >>共 508
beaten 6.54%
fertilized 6.54%
raw 3.87%
hard-boiled 2.99%
fried 2.76%
human 2.67%
together 2.63%
golden 2.49%
rotten 1.98%
whole 1.93%
beaten + n. >>共 112
egg 28.01%
path 17.16%
track 9.07%
man 5.92%
favorite 2.56%
team 2.37%
finalist 1.78%
body 1.38%
tourist 1.18%
opponent 1.18%
每页显示:    共 141