1.   A good time to add an item, of course, is when you buy it and the receipt is nearby.

2.   Bodies that are seen to move at a relatively high angular rate are nearby in space.

3.   Indeed, the latest microbrew trend actually harks back to ancient times, when brewers grabbed whatever flavorings were nearby.

4.   Sand-le-Mere now gives its name to a large caravan site which is nearby.

5.   To combat such break-ins, instruct employees to report unfamiliar visitors and refrain from typing their passwords and other confidential data when others are nearby.

6.   He said the woman then punched Mrs Wilson twice and she realised Mrs Swales was nearby.

7.   Also, transmission lines to carry the power should be nearby.

8.   Although pets do not suffer as much as people from the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments, they do suffer anxiety when their owners are not nearby.

9.   An American submersible, Alvin, was nearby when the vent field was found on Thursday.

10.   An employee who opened the letter and another who was nearby will be tested, said Catherine Mathis, a spokeswoman for the newspaper.

v. + nearby >>共 15
be 61.56%
stand 23.94%
lie 7.33%
fall 1.47%
remain 1.47%
stay 1.47%
loom 0.81%
appear 0.49%
go 0.33%
keep 0.33%
be + a. >>共 1165
able 2.82%
likely 2.09%
available 1.65%
due 1.18%
ready 1.14%
clear 1.02%
difficult 0.95%
important 0.89%
involved 0.88%
unable 0.87%
nearby 0.02%
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