1.   A change in supply is involved when the entire supply curve shifts.

2.   A colleague and I are currently involved in considering major changes in a very large organization.

3.   A great many people are involved in putting out a newspaper.

4.   A number of the disabled professionals were actively involved in disability issues.

5.   A person during hypnosis is so involved in fantasy and imagination that an apparently innocent question can actually create new memories.

6.   A physical challenge could be involved.

7.   A school bus has been involved in a collision with a fuel tanker.

8.   A social worker is usually involved because a person has ceased to be fully independent in some aspect of daily living.

9.   Actuaries have been increasingly involved in merger and acquisition activity in the general insurance field.

v. + involved >>共 8
be 81.65%
get 9.93%
become 7.12%
remain 0.65%
stay 0.49%
feel 0.09%
seem 0.04%
grow 0.01%
be + a. >>共 1165
able 2.82%
likely 2.09%
available 1.65%
due 1.18%
ready 1.14%
clear 1.02%
difficult 0.95%
important 0.89%
involved 0.88%
unable 0.87%
每页显示:    共 13252