1.   And Amazon, even with its shares in the bargain bin, is no different.

2.   Booksellers loved the inexpensive volumes because putting them in bargain bins in the front of their stores created the impression of good value throughout.

3.   Destined for the big joystick bargain bin in the sky.

4.   I traipsed a trail to the outermost bargain bins with a Rand McNally and the local Yellow Pages as my guides.

5.   One thing the store is not, however, is a bargain bin.

6.   Stores typically relegate the music to some odd, dark corner, right next to the New Age bargain bins and Chumbawamba and Spin Doctors markdowns.

7.   The first stop was Toys-R-Us where she shopped the bargain bins in search of toys to give away as prizes.

n. + bin >>共 135
trash 30.81%
garbage 12.79%
storage 8.43%
litter 3.63%
door 2.76%
compost 2.76%
grain 2.62%
luggage 1.60%
cargo 1.31%
sin 1.31%
bargain 1.02%
bargain + n. >>共 151
hunting 24.76%
price 22.22%
hunter 21.83%
rate 2.53%
agreement 1.75%
stock 1.46%
fare 1.36%
level 1.07%
deal 0.88%
sale 0.88%
bin 0.68%
每页显示:    共 7