1.   I called on a banker friend.

2.   GUM, which had been seeking listings on overseas stock exchanges, sent despondent faxes that day to its investment banker friends, postponing those plans indefinitely.

3.   My friend the banker says that this possibility makes his blood run cold.

4.   Part of a collection she was showing at the Upper East Side apartment of a banker friend, it looked fit for a Mogul prince.

5.   Banker friends justify high interest rates by citing two factors.

6.   With government setting the stage for lower interest rates, our banker friends now seek a substitute for the premiums they provide as insurance against bad debts.

n. + friend >>共 411
childhood 19.37%
college 5.42%
woman 4.88%
boyhood 4.65%
school 3.36%
lawyer 1.83%
lady 1.60%
artist 1.53%
journalist 1.37%
musician 1.22%
banker 0.46%
banker + n. >>共 51
association 24.51%
friend 5.88%
acceptance 3.92%
meet 3.92%
close 3.92%
group 2.94%
report 2.94%
say 2.94%
bank 1.96%
meeting 1.96%
每页显示:    共 6