1.   In the background, you can see my college friends.

2.   Over the years my college friends and I have drifted apart.

3.   In the background you can see my college friends.

4.   He asked his two closest college friends to be his groomsmen.

5.   He tried to learn about the latest bands so he could impress his hip new college friends.

6.   Today college friends congregated at the place in Lower High Street where Murray was attacked.

7.   And, yes, I recall walking home from a bar late at night with college friends and stealing a street sign or two.

8.   Ben Holzemer, one of four college friends who founded TCS with no customers and only ideas about a product, says their focus always was on sales.

9.   -esque TV star spending a memorably soul-searching weekend with his college friends.

10.   A college friend from Notre Dame, Julie Maund, was tailgating in the parking lot at Soldier Field, talking to Sobrero by cellular phone.

n. + friend >>共 411
childhood 19.37%
college 5.42%
woman 4.88%
boyhood 4.65%
school 3.36%
lawyer 1.83%
lady 1.60%
artist 1.53%
journalist 1.37%
musician 1.22%
college + n. >>共 516
student 11.39%
football 6.42%
basketball 4.28%
campus 3.27%
game 3.16%
coach 3.08%
degree 2.69%
player 2.66%
graduate 2.28%
education 2.21%
friend 0.49%
每页显示:    共 71