1.   The most recently formed of the groups uniting neo-communist and Russian nationalist opinion, the National Salvation Front, was banned shortly after its formal constitution.

2.   Toxic chemicals contained in sheep dip may be banned after complaints from some farmers who say their health has been damaged by the dip.

3.   A magazine called Tavana was banned after publishing a caricature of President Mohammad Khatami, who is himself a reformer.

4.   Curbside baggage collection, banned after the terrorist attack, now is allowed at most airports.

5.   The shuttles now carry into space no major commercial or military payloads, which were banned after the accident and instead were put on unmanned rockets.

6.   Two years later, she was banned after testing positive for steroids.

7.   Both the newsletter and the alliance, which was operating without required government approval, were banned after the arrest of Taufik and Maryadi in March.

8.   Bradford Northern winger David Myers, who had faced a possible two-year suspension, was banned after a three-hour hearing at Rugby League headquarters.

9.   Campaigning is banned after midnight Wednesday.

10.   Heino also sings the German national anthem on the cassette, including the original first verse which was banned after the war.

v. + after >>共 936
come 7.80%
die 2.94%
say 2.67%
release 2.19%
leave 1.81%
speak 1.80%
arrest 1.55%
fall 1.48%
return 1.32%
rise 1.06%
ban 0.06%
ban + p. >>共 56
from 50.21%
in 19.32%
for 13.23%
under 3.46%
on 3.36%
as 1.61%
at 1.31%
because_of 1.01%
during 0.89%
by 0.73%
after 0.68%
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