ban from 164.12   He was banned from driving for a year.
  ban in 63.13   Banned in Ohio.
  ban for 43.25   Ban him for life.
  ban under 11.32   It was banned under the Taliban militia.
  ban on 10.99   It is banned on the boats.
  ban as 5.27   Many cities in China have banned them as dangerous.
  ban at 4.28   It was also banned at Ciampino airport.
  ban because_of 3.29   Previously, South Africa was banned because of apartheid.
  ban during 2.90   Street marches are banned during the campaign.
  ban by 2.37   Banned by the FIA on safety grounds.
  ban after 2.24   It was banned after only six episodes.
  ban since 1.05   All traffic was banned since Wednesday.
  ban to 0.99   Sales were not banned to any specific country.
  ban until 0.99   Public sector strikes had been banned until recently.
  ban with 0.99   In the rest of Iraq, the dishes are banned with cold Orwellian efficiency.
  ban over 0.86   Liquor sales also were banned over the weekend.
  ban except 0.72   Corticosteroids are banned except when used for medical purposes.
  ban of 0.72   Constitutional Court orders banning of Islamic Virtue party.
  ban around 0.59   Street-level parking would be banned from around the Ellipse behind the South Lawn.
  ban throughout 0.59   Commercial whaling is banned throughout the world.
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