1.   Caroline revolted against her ballet training at sixteen.

2.   His ballet training was as important to him as his tap lessons.

3.   Italian ballet training was prized at the time, and Rosi recommended that she continue her studies in Milan, Italy.

4.   Martinez was born in Havana, where he received his ballet training.

5.   Other systems of ballet training are more focused on legs, she adds.

6.   The ballet training has paid off.

7.   The ever-changing steps look completely natural without any trace of classical ballet training.

8.   The piece, performed by American Ballet Theater last Wednesday afternoon and evening at the Metropolitan Opera House, is a long journey through academic ballet training.

9.   Under the czars, then the Communists, and now their successors, professional Russian ballet training has generally been set up to select small-boned young girls.

10.   With his years of ballet training, Selya never considered expressing himself in another art form.

n. + training >>共 569
spring 48.72%
job 7.16%
weight 2.66%
flight 1.80%
strength 1.49%
computer 1.29%
police 1.19%
staff 1.15%
management 1.03%
session 0.97%
ballet 0.26%
ballet + n. >>共 178
dancer 18.25%
company 13.38%
class 4.26%
troupe 4.14%
school 3.65%
master 3.53%
lesson 2.92%
slipper 2.55%
star 1.95%
performance 1.82%
training 1.58%
每页显示:    共 13